Top 10 Authors

I am doing Top Ten Tuesday Again and this week it's Top ten ALL time favorite authors ( i know right!?) as usual this is hosted by The Broke and Bookish 

P.S I am allowed to narrow it down by Genre or do a Top 20 but i'll be doing Top authors who i will read either most of their books, authors that make me excited for new projects, and authors of series i liked.

  1. J.K Rowling ( Of course no list is complete without her)
  2. Jenny Han( i recently fell in love with two of her series and she is so cute and funny on twitter)
  3. Marie Lu( It's rare for me to find an author with two series i like in a row but she does it!)
  4. Tarryn Fisher ( She is the angst queen and i crave it)
  5. Jennifer Armentrout( I've read almost all her books and her Book boyfriends are EVERYTHING)
  6. Claire Contreras( she wrote one book i will reread forever)
  7. Marie Rutkoski( New author with a series that destroyed my feels and provided a kick ass girl character)
  8. C.S Lewis (Everyone has a Narnia)
  9. J.R.R Tolkein( he created one of my all time favorite world and characters, will always be grateful)
  10. Arthur Conan Doyle (I've read his complete collection and fell in love so hard with Sherlock, yeah i would marry him lol)
  11. Lauren Oliver (YA Queen)
  12. Lisi Harrison (Omg i love this quirky woman, she has written for Middle grade mostly but her Clique series will forever be in my heart)
  13. Phyllis Reynolds Naylor ( She wrote two of my faves, and they will stay with me. I Will read my children and grandchildren her words
  14. Veronica Roth ( Awesome )
  15. Tahereh Mafi( Her Debut series quickly became my fave and warner is my book boyfriend)
  16. Jodi Picoult
  17. Sara Shepard
  18. Orson Scott Card ( I Will reread and listen to Ender's Game Series FOREVER)
  19. Pierce Brown( New author who is not only sexy but awesome, EVERYONE RUN TO READ RED RISING)
  20. Kiersten White
  21. Gayle Forman (She made me cry, which is rare and she's just lovely)
I Feel like i am missing some but they were the authors who i would pick off the top of my head when asked  and you will see some of these author's books in my Daily Reads<3

Who are your Top Ten or 20 or more? 


  1. Lauren Oliver really is the YA Queen! She's on my list as well. I love this list a lot. <3

    My TTT:

  2. We share Gayle Forman and Tahereh Mafi (I LOVE HER STYLE SOOO MUCH BTW) and this makes me happy! Quite a few classics. C.S Lewis and JK Rowling which makes me feel ashamed because I never read their stuff DD: So great list! :D

    1. Omg Ale you never read HARRY POTTER!?, you must do this ASAP, i mean C.S Lewis that's fine it's not for everyone.

  3. We have JK Rowling and Jodi Picoult in common. I liked Divergent but not enough to make Veronica Roth one of my favourite authors. I'm also currently reading my first Lauren Oliver, Panic and Before I Fall is on my TBR list. I also love Thirteen Reasons Why and if I'd done a longer than top ten list then Jay Asher would probably have been on it.

    1. Omg Before i Fall is one of my daily reads, i read that almost every other day or week or month lol, i didn't love it at first but its a fave.


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